BIG News - well lots of it, including my infamous Calamity Jane resin "Hehewuti" pulling out more wins, DUN Qualifications, Grand Champion's in Workmanship and Artist Resin, and also pulling out her highest award to date - Overall Reserve Supreme Champion at Live in the West 2010. This mare just keeps amazing me, and in the 6 - 7 shows she has now being to, she has never placed lower than 2nd in her Workmanship, Color & Breed classes!! And I am absolutely RAPTED with her!! She is a HUGE achievement for me and definate proof in my eyes that my roan techniques are working well for me. She came home with a swag of ribbons from the show on Sunday, placing 1st Workmanship, Champion Workmanship, Grand Champion Workmanship, 1st Other Breed, Champion Breed, Grand Champion AR Breed, 1st Other Color, Champion Broken Color, Grand Champion AR Color! WOW!
Ok, enough bragging :)
Some of the newbies that have being painted is a comission that has being on the table for a while - a CM'ed Flash with a new braided mane and then painted to a flashy dappled grey. He went on to pull two firsts in hic classes, and then two Champion ribbons to be in the line up for Overall Grand CM Champion - very happy with his results:

And I'm glad to report, his new owner is stoked with that news - always a happy moment!
Another newbie that joined me on the day was "Strawberry Strike", who is also for sale - so please free free to contact me about this girl. She was well loved on the day, and went on to win both her breed and color CM class, Champ out and then recieve the high honor of Grand Champion CM.
Priced at $135 AU plus postage.

Another new one that was shown with some sucess was a "Sanskrit" resin by Mel Miller and painted by myself into a bay sabino Marwari called "Sheikh" - he was second in his AR Other Breed class and placed 4th in a HUGE class of Bays (where my Absinth resin proudly won, and a Stormwatch which I painted and is owned by Melissa Boynes was second - woo hoo!). He has a custom base which makes him 100% more stable than he was without it, and has steel pins in his legs so that they slot into the base - this guy won't move now! Makes me feel a whole lot safer sitting him on a table upright.
Priced at $275 AU plus postage

Other results included my Absinth resin (also for sale) placing 1st in his bay class, and my other guys doing well - I will post more info on Absinth when I have the results and more info in general on what I am up to in the studio in the next few days.
Great to be back :)
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