Thursday, October 23, 2008


I'm bad at updating things as you can tell, only took me, what... 10 months to write you an update? LOL - oh well, moving on...

Giving everyone a comission update as follows:
~ Kentucy Reign - sent
~ Bouncer - sent
~ Bullionarie - 50% completed
~ Ideal - 50% completed
~ PS Thoroughbred - awaiting arrival
~ Boss 302 - 20% completed
~ PAM - prepping

And what I'm working on personally:
~ Blatini (scuplture) - blocking out completed
~ PS Standing Arab (rescuplt & paint) - 60% resculpted
~ Smarty Jones (paint) - 20% completed
~ Newsworthy (rescuplt & paint) - 10% rescuplted
~ Wintersong (rescuplt) - 10% rescuplted

I tend to pick up my 'personal' items when I get tired out from the comissions, just breaks it up and gives me a slight break so I can go back and look with a fresh eye over what I'm doing etc. That's my strange and bizare statergy at least (makes sense to me sometimes)...

Hoping to head across to Sydney Summer Live Show with a few of my own collection and also of course, to play on my home turf and stomping ground in December at Live in the West as well. Probably won't have too many to take, but we'll get there eventually as far as doing my personal stuff!

In non-model news: I'm biting the bullet and getting back in the saddle again (woo hoo!), rode for the second time today with the un-tiring (undoing the retirement of my two top Showjumpers that is, even though they weren't "retired" as such but put on hold because of my injuries/problems from the accident last year) and we're going to hopefully come back in the Summer Series in Jan/Feb to bring myself back into the game. Fingers crossed at least! I need to get fit again, phew!