Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Well Christmas is over, so I must wish you all a late, but very Merry Christmas, and of course, a Happy New Year for everyone!! I hope it was a great tick over to 2009 - and look out, it will be 2010 before you know it! I'm actually, honestly scared.

Flash 4 Cash

In the studio front - finished a simple custom on Breyer's Flash model, he was listed for sale, but I'm taking down the advert today as he's currently being express shipped to NSW for a show on Saturday, and then will journey to a friend in QLD for a show there on the 25th/26th - so two shows, 5 events each (the custom Nokota is with him as well that I done early in 2008); so we'll see how they both go.

I've got a few projects in the studio at the moment;

*Simple Huck Reposition into a Hackney Horse
*Drastic PS Arabian rescuplt - being in the works for a few months now, but he's getting there slowly
*PS TB Comission - rescuplt & paint; currently working on the reposition side of things
*Ideal repaint Comission
*Boss 302 paint comission (nearly completed)
*PAM paint comission
*Las Vegas Live Donation (doing some serious work on him today during the New year break, expect photo's soon)
*Bailador resin - rescuplting his mane & tail for more detail presently

For anyone interested - Live in the West will be 25th April 2009 in Mundaring, WA. I can proxy again this year for anyone who can't make it physically, but we'd love to have you come along if you can book your flights early enough - the sooner the cheaper, you know how it is with flights.

Until next time - Happy New Year!!

Oh... my New Year's Resolution? Since we got the shed mostly built the poor old horse crate in there (shed makes the monstrous thing look small which is shocking), my resolution is to get back into Showjumping, full swing, leg pain/knee pain or no pain - we're doing it, 2009 is my come-back year!


Friday, December 19, 2008

First Live Show *phew*

Well "Live in the West 2008" was a huge success, and a huge congrates, pat on the back and job well done must go to show holder Mel Boynes - no doubt she is already being re-flooded with suggestions, help, ideas and everyone not just beginning for LITW 2009, but two Perth Live Shows next year! I know I'm all for it, we've all being bitten hard by the showing bug and now we're show hungry!

There were SO many beautiful horse's there, and not just home grown painted horses, but also some international names in the artist line up, including Deborah Brown from the UK and Kathy McKenzie, Tia Lurie, Sue Kern, Jessica McCune, Dani Schacht, Valerie Martinez and a few others whose names escape me, all from the US.

We had four people showing with all their horses, and six proxy people who sent entries to each of us (I personally proxied for Shannon Farn, and I can say, there are two definate horse's in her herd that she sent that I would take home with me in a heart beat - including that Palomino Daffyd, remember seeing him on MH$P? Oh yeah, he's just as stunning in person than in those photos).

The crew that I painted done the following:

TASHUNKE WITKO - CM "Nokota" Model (Owned by Rondel Sorenson)
1st. Unmounted Western
3rd. Naughtiest Horse
2nd. CM/AR Other Breeds
7th. CM/AR Dilutes

IMA GOLD SEEKA - Painted "Bullionare" Resin (Owned by Shannon Farn)
4th. Quietest Horse/Pony
4th. CM/AR Stock Breeds
6th. CM/AR Dilutes

CREME DELA CREME - CM "BHR Percheron" Resin (owned by Alexandra SoLurdo)
2nd. Quietest Horse/Pony
3rd. Other Performance
1st. CM/AR Dilutes
2nd. CM/AR Draft Breeds

RENATA - Painted "Danzante" Resin (Owned by moi)
1st. Naughtiest Horse/Pony (4)
Champion Novelty
Grand Champion Novelty/Performance
1st. CM/AR Stock Breeds (6)
1st. CM/AR Pinto (11)
Reserve Champion Color
Supreme Exhibit

And here is a picture of my pride and joy (Renata that is);

As you can imagine, I am happy with everyone, but pleasantly surprised and just over the moon at how Renata performed for me. Especially considering she was a last minute finish and entrant in the show. She's currently en route to Florida to show at "South Florida Live" and possibly another event in March/April if I decide to keep her over there for that long, so I'll inform you to how she fairs against the rest of the US.

If you want to see the photo's I personally took, they are at:

Obviously most of them are mine and Shannon's horses (wanted to make sure she had a photo of each of horse's on the table with their ribbons), with the expection of the Performance Class "Hunter/Jumpers" and some of the Champion classes.


So what's next in the studio? Well, comissions to be finished before the end of year, naturally... and a few projects of my own and some sales projects.

But I'll be nice and tell you two of them:

~ "Ruffian" in a simple custom, turning into a tobiano/overo (haven't decided the pattern yet) buckskin and;
~ "Alborozo" in a simple custom, turning into a buckskin andalusian/lusitano with a few subtle markings

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I'm bad at updating things as you can tell, only took me, what... 10 months to write you an update? LOL - oh well, moving on...

Giving everyone a comission update as follows:
~ Kentucy Reign - sent
~ Bouncer - sent
~ Bullionarie - 50% completed
~ Ideal - 50% completed
~ PS Thoroughbred - awaiting arrival
~ Boss 302 - 20% completed
~ PAM - prepping

And what I'm working on personally:
~ Blatini (scuplture) - blocking out completed
~ PS Standing Arab (rescuplt & paint) - 60% resculpted
~ Smarty Jones (paint) - 20% completed
~ Newsworthy (rescuplt & paint) - 10% rescuplted
~ Wintersong (rescuplt) - 10% rescuplted

I tend to pick up my 'personal' items when I get tired out from the comissions, just breaks it up and gives me a slight break so I can go back and look with a fresh eye over what I'm doing etc. That's my strange and bizare statergy at least (makes sense to me sometimes)...

Hoping to head across to Sydney Summer Live Show with a few of my own collection and also of course, to play on my home turf and stomping ground in December at Live in the West as well. Probably won't have too many to take, but we'll get there eventually as far as doing my personal stuff!

In non-model news: I'm biting the bullet and getting back in the saddle again (woo hoo!), rode for the second time today with the un-tiring (undoing the retirement of my two top Showjumpers that is, even though they weren't "retired" as such but put on hold because of my injuries/problems from the accident last year) and we're going to hopefully come back in the Summer Series in Jan/Feb to bring myself back into the game. Fingers crossed at least! I need to get fit again, phew!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Welcome to Blogspot!

Hi everyone,

Well give me some time and I'll redo the layout to my studio's colors and get this set up so you can keep up to date with what I'm here at Dream Merchant Designs!!

To start off, I have a comission slot up on eBay (Australia) for a Black Horse Ranch (BHR) Percheron Companion resin!

Read more:

Comission Me BHR Percheron resin - this gorgeous guy is on eBay Australia so that Australian's can have a go at getting something for themselves and cutting the cost of international shipping!

My prices for comissions are reasonable, and Australian's always receive a 15% discount - this auction, although seems expensive at first glance, is a great deal as the resin itself, to buy and ship here is always up to $100 Australian, plus the Rio Rondo shoes are $20-$30 - so straight away there is up to $130. Plus of course, all the Apoxie work that is being done to this guy, plus prepping and primming, which can easily cost upwards of $50. That means my comission price is $20 for a Classic size, which is WELL below what I normally charge, even for a Micro, even with the 15% discount! All these prices I'm talking about are in Australian Dollars

I do accept time payments with stipulations - if you can't meet these, please feel free to email me or PM me or contact me through eBay to sort out something else if you can't manage it. I'm always open to help you out if you really want this guy!

He is stunning.

See more photo's and information here: eBay AU listing here!

Thanks for looking!